What is cakephp?? for cakephp developers


The CakePHP is a free, open-source, rapid development framework for PHP. It’s a foundational structure for programmers to create web applications and also easy for deploy it.

A Deep History Of Cakephp

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What is new feature in CakePHP 3.0 version?

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  1. Better performance :- New version of Cakephp boost improvements of the bootstrap functionality and routing process, and several parts of process for creating helper templates.
  2. Enhanced components and helpers :- New version enhance support and FlashHelper and FlashComponent. Moreover it’s add  CookieComponent has been enhanced, with advance configuration of cookie namespaces and handling of cookie data.
  3. Advance session management :- Session management is one of the most important part of web application that’s why new version of Cakephp comes with Request Object  ex: $this->request->session();. This new changes also make easy to access session and make changes in web application.
  4. Themes and plugins merged:- A key goal of CakePHP 3 was to make themes more powerful and robust. Working toward that goal, it became apparent that what was really needed was for themes to provide the same capabilities as plugins. Accordingly, any plugin may now be used as a theme, which also simplifies packaging and redistribution.

In addition, there are a few additional features that are also planned to be integrated into the beta release of version 3.0.

Cakephp provide below features you’ll enjoy when using CakePHP

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  1. MVC architecture:- Model -View-Controller
  2. Flexible licensing :- MIT License
  3. Compatible with versions 4 and 5 of PHP
  4. Integrated CRUD for database interaction
  5. Application scaffolding
  6. Code generation
  7. Request dispatcher with clean, custom URLs and routes
  8. Built-in validation
  9. Fast and flexible templating
  10. View Helpers for AJAX
  11. Email, Cookie, Security, Session, and Request Handling Components
  12. Flexible ACL
  13. Data Sanitization
  14. Flexible Caching
  15. Localization
  16. REST API

MVC(Model view controller)

The Model represents the application data
The View renders a presentation of model data
The Controller handles and routes requests made by the client


Why use MVC?