Free Ionic Material Design Themes 2016.
The Best Looking Ionic Framework Themes with Material design it’s open source. Ionicmaterial is Pour material design templates into your Ionic hybrid apps for all the sexy and no complexity. Free ionic Templates, Free ionic themes.
Free Ionic Material Design Themes 2016
In Last 2 year, Mobile App development industry has been totally changed. Now the power of mobile app development is taken by hybrid mobile app technology instead of native. PhoneGap, Ionic Framework, Angularjs, Onsen UI, jquery mobile etc.
In a short period of time, the Ionic framework becomes the most popular and most advanced HTML 5 framework for developing beautiful and interactive hybrid mobile applications.
Ionic Framework is developed on top of angular js. But what we have to do, if we want to create something new, Totally different then default Ionic UI look and feel?
by default, ionic Framework Provides you precompiled CSS files and javascript files, which is in “www/lib/ionic/” folder. which should be initialized in the app root index.html file. If you want to Customize your Layout then you have to Modify.SASS File, Which will empower your control over Ionic CSS features.
Although, If you want to stunning and exclusive look of your mobile app but you don’t have time/knowledge to create and maintain.SASS file you can always pre-build 3rd party themes/templates.
In this post, I will give you free ionic framework material design theme. open source theme/ templates.
Ionic Material free Templates
- Interact for ink effects.
- Extends Ionic classes.
- Integrates with directives.
- Fully Themeable.
Ionic Material is an attractive material design-based ionic template, as such it’s much more than a simple SASS theme. It has pre-build custom directives that will seamlessly integrate into an existing framework. Ionic Materials Theme provides CSS component for customizing the layout according to user requirements.
After Successfully download Ionic Material Design template “WWW” folder contains all important files. That you need to modify according to your requirement for design attractive UI of your ionic mobile app.
Directory Structure of Ionic material design theme
CSS:– CSS folder contains all CSS file which is required to edit for the customising layout of your mobile app.
Image:– Img folder contains image used inside this application.
Js:– Js file contains all the javascript file and controller which is required to edit for more functionality.
Lib:– lib Folder contains all library file which is required for this project like Ionic, angular js, etc.
templates:- Templates folder contains .html pages for your layout.
Index.html:– Main HTML File Root of the project.
To Run, this Project in your browser uses below command in your node js command prompt.
Ionic Serve